Check One


Piece Stats
- Approx. 195 pieces
- 0.4 lbs
- 2.1" L x 2.1" W x 10.1" H

Wielded in the right hands, the microphone is a powerful instrument an M.C. possesses when controlling the crowd. Pimps, drug dealers, and college dropouts have used the tool to propel them to levels unforeseen in the rap game. Many a story has been told that both fascinate and educate; dropping knowledge that warns and sharing tributes that mourn. The challenge here was to build a mic that could be incorporated into pieces we’ll build in the future, while still standing on its own.

An early render of the design - before we discovered the specific slope pieces that would add a roundness to the handle.

An early render of the design - before we discovered the specific slope pieces that would add a roundness to the handle.

Those aforementioned slope pieces? These weren’t it - but the cheese slopes eventually gave way to the old roof slopes from the 80’s and 90’s sets.

Those aforementioned slope pieces? These weren’t it - but the cheese slopes eventually gave way to the old roof slopes from the 80’s and 90’s sets.

Evolution of the design of the microphone. The design of the mic top is borrowed from the Lowell sphere technique to achieve the roundness of the receiver.

Evolution of the design of the microphone. The design of the mic top is borrowed from the Lowell sphere technique to achieve the roundness of the receiver.

Different view of the multiple designs. In trying to achieve a more tapered look in the first two designs, structural integrity was sacrificed so a thicker, straightened look was settled upon to improve sturdiness and heft.

Different view of the multiple designs. In trying to achieve a more tapered look in the first two designs, structural integrity was sacrificed so a thicker, straightened look was settled upon to improve sturdiness and heft.


In order to achieve close to a proper curvature around the microphone handle, the black slopes did a lot of the heavy lifting of providing that roundness, complemented by some modified plates with rails to fill in some space between the slopes - notice the difference between the completed microphone on the left and the unfinished version on the right.


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